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One way to boost productivity with positive leadership is to focus attention. You need to get your employees to focus on completing important tasks first. This means you need to have determined what the critical tasks are. It is sometimes challenging to make sure your employees clear their minds and limit external disturbances. These disturbances can lead to errors, interrupted workflow, mistakes, and wasted time, and dropping productivity. As a leader, develop a workflow that will achieve the highest productivity. Focusing attention involves creating plans of action, and contingency plans. This can help focus employees and improve efficiency in the organization.

It is not as easy to solve problems with a “no can do” attitude. Research tells us walking, and other physical activities help encourage creative thoughts. Other benefits of physical exercise include better short-term memory and improved concentration, which are essential in the workplace. Leaders and policymakers should encourage activity in employee daily routines, like team walks and outdoor lunches.=

Team outings are another great way to boost productivity. Since productivity can be negatively affected by a lack of cooperation, communication, and trust with colleagues, team activities can help. Building strong relationships can produce trust, an essential trait for a team. These outings and activities should include management. It is not only important to trust your coworkers but trust management, and they should trust you. These team outings and events should not be organized haphazardly, there should be planning for what activities will take place. Choosing activities will improve areas needed by team members. For example, competitive activities can encourage working together to achieve victory (team goal of winning). The goal when organizing these activities should be for teams to rely on one another, which may lead to better productivity.

Another way to boost productivity with positive leadership is to encourage open communication. Sometimes the lines of communication in an organization are not open and are diverted for many reasons. Line employees need feedback from their superiors just as superiors need feedback from their employees. Good communication needs to happen between same level employees (line workers, management), too.